Company details
ul. Prosta 70,
00-838 Warsaw
00-838 Warsaw
VAT: PL 5272943741
KRS: 0000873000
REGON: 387694267
The company has been operating for 10 years and is composed of experts in their fields such as technology and finance, but there is a lack of understanding of marketing and integrating sales strategies. Previous collaborations with agencies have not yielded the desired results.
The project was completed within 6 months. During this time, the Madokado team created the scope of a new department combining marketing and sales competences. In the first stage, we revised the business strategy, analyzed the competition, developed a new marketing strategy and recruited for new positions.
In the second stage of cooperation, Madokado was responsible for preparing new people for independent work and implementing the recommended digital activities and tools. Scope of completed tasks: improving the website's visibility and UX, branding consistency, biddable ads strategy (paid search, paid social), newsletter implementation, SOME analysis and launching a new channel (LinkedIn).